Cicli Corsa
Pogliaghi Tandem 11



There was a time when track racing was as important as road racing, a time when the greatest cycling champions were also in a velodrome. The velodromes were filled with fans and track racing was arguably more popular during this time.




Vigorelli was the excellent velodrome in Milan and Pogliaghi was one of the masters of Italian frame building specializing in the construction of track, speed, pursuit and tandem frames.



This Tandem Pista passed through the hands of two generations before it came to us. It was commissioned in the early 70s and it was made to compete in the specialty races at Vigorelli. It was later modified by an owner, a great cycling enthusiast, who wanted to ride in the city with his child. Now, it’s time to pay homage to Sante Pogliaghi and bring this glorious creation back to life.


Pogliaghi Tandem